Creative, Yoga Instructor & Brand Owner Obsessed with Nature


If you’re here to learn how to become more of your true self and love your body, you’re in the right place.

Helping support your FAVOURITE self.

With discipline, proper self-care, and positive habits, it’s possible to transform yourself — I know because I experienced it for myself.

At 27, I swapped accolades for authenticity and chose to radically reboot my life. Battling an eating disorder, autoimmune disorder and adrenal fatigue by ditching the fast lane for the zen path, my journey from burnout to balance has been a tale of resilience, reinvention, and a ton of trial and error… After quitting my job as an HGTV host to become a certified Yoga and Breathwork teacher so I could better understand my mind and body, I’m now on a mission to help empower others to learn how to move and care for their bodies, find more peace in their mind, and align deeper with their true selves.

*Every Seven Years, You Have a NEW Body.

Like nature, we are in a constant state of renewal where every action we take is either harming us or allowing our body’s natural healing process to occur. In seven years, we can be living in stronger, more resilient bodies, experiencing more joy and freedom, or feeling the results of self-neglect and unhealthy habits.

This fact inspired me to rethink how I took care of my body, starting with the personal care products I used which led me to launch Heelr in 2020, my line of natural goods for hair, skin, body, and soul.

And in 2024, led to the inception of my podcast and community, Every Seven Years, inspired by the fact that your body is nearly-new at the end of each seven years cycle.

My Offerings

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Get in touch ⤹

Most of the time, you can find me outside having fun with my partner Mike and my pup, Piper, sweating it out in my wood-fired sauna, or exploring the beaches and mountains of the West Coast.

To book a live fitness session or 1:1 coaching call, use my calendar below. I look forward to meeting you :)

Booking & Availability
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